Monday, January 9, 2012

3DVA Lab 1

3DVA Lab 1

Basically, this lab had taught me how to create a cow using just a simple cube. When i first saw the cow, the first thing that came to my mind was using lots of different polygons to create the shape, however, this lab had taught me to use only a cube to create the shape of the head of a cow.

When I was molding the shape of the face, I realized that the main tool to use is to extrude out the head (when in my mind, i would be thinking to extrude the nose out first). The difficult part was the extruding of the head as you need to roughly estimate how much you need to extrude and also to tilt the angle or increase the size, etc.

I didnt print screen to show the process of my work, however, this is the final work.

Final Work:

I had tried 2 different methods to create the other half of the face.

1st method that i tried is to duplicate the face and change the scale x to -1:

The other method that I use is the mirror geometry:

After trying out both methods, is actually does the same thing, however, for mirror geometry, both of the half-face becomes one polygon whereas the duplicating function does not.

Overall, this lab is quite simple but tedious, you need to make sure that while extruding and forming the face, you need to predict/estimate well and make sure it comes out right. In my opinion, I felt that I can do way better than this as I think that my Cow looks like a Dragon instead.

[will continue editing with process of my work + a new redo of the cow]

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