Sunday, July 10, 2011

Animation Visualisation

Animation Visualisation

This week, we basically learn the principles of animation.

12 basic principles of animation:

Squash and Stretch



Straight ahead action and pose to pose

Follow through and overlapping action

Slow in and slow out


Secondary action



Solid Drawing


We were given 10 different task to do:

Task 1: Squat down, jump as high as you can go, then land on the ground (it’s better if the person has long hair)
The principle used in this action is Anticipation.
When a person squat down, is an action that shows a preparation of a person that is going to jump. When audience sees it, they could sense that the person could probably be doing something (for example, jumping, in this case.).

Task 2: Stand some distance away, run towards camera, then come to a sudden stop just in front of the camera (with your whole body still in frame)
The principle used is Squash and Stretch.
When the person is running towards the camera and gives a sudden stop, that person would have a tendancy to loose their balance. They would tend to move forward a little and it seems like their body is "stretched".

Task 3: Repeat actions 1 and 2, but this time with a bag hanging from your shoulder
Now with the bag haning on the shoulder, there is another principle used and that is
Follow through and overlapping action.
Basically, the bag follows the action of the person, jus that the motion is a little slower than the person. Example, when the person jumps up and lands, the bag would appear to land "later".

Task 4: Do a robot dance or chicken dance J
The principle used for this is Straight Ahead and pose to pose animation.
As the person is doing some robot move, is like the movement are like poses, where it can be planned out. It can be drawn out like scene by scene.

Task 5: Pretend to get really really really (!) angry, then pretend to punch your friend standing in front of you
The principle used in this is
Secondary action.
When a person gets angry, they would not immediately punch the other person, most of us would proabbly scold and show emotions through our facial expressions.

Task 6: Drop a ball and film it bouncing a few times
The principle used in this is Timing.
When a ball drops, there is a timing, and when it bounces a few times, the height starts to drop and the speeds drop.

Task 7: Throw a ball up (not too high), and film it as it goes up and down

We didnt do this task.

Task 8: Stand with a partner about 3 metres apart and throw a ball to each other a few times
The principle used is timing.
It is crucial because it can be used for establishing the person's (who is catching the ball) emotions and reaction.

Task 9: Repeat the ball throwing action, but this time try to surprise your partner by pretending to throw the ball a few times before you actually do!
The principle used is Exaggeration.
When the partner is trying to throw to another person by surprise, they will tend to do exaggerating movements.

Task 10: Repeat the ball throwing action, but this time make it bounce once on the ground before it is caught
The priciple used is squash and stretch.
When the ball bounces on the floor, the ball would seem squashed when it hits the floor and strectched when it leaves the ground.

Exercise 3

Exaggeration: When spongebob is happyly jumping while walking, his hands and feet were being exaggerated.

Secondary Action: When spongebob was shocked and his mouth opened widely and his body was stretched to show that he was shocked.

Timing: When spongebob is being coiled up by the tube, theres timing. Because spongebob is a sponge, he is light, so the coiling time would be fast.

Anticipation: At 1:22, it shows that Mr.Crabs is coming out from the restaurant calling out for spongebob.

Follow through and overlapping action: From 1.46 to 1.52, when patrick is holding on to the rock using a rod, the rock follows a natural movement, following patrick.

Squash and stretch: When spongebob is jumping into the pool, theres a squash and stretch.

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