Friday, June 3, 2011

Assignment - Self Critique

Assignment - Self Critique

This was how much I had done for my modelling, however, most of the steps that I used were wrong. I did too much difference and lots of the shapes are being "cut" out instead of extruding. Especially the main body of the car. After smoothing the whole model, some of the parts may still look the same however, most of the parts of the car is disfigured. After consulting the lecutrer, I found out that I had to do more edge loop in order to keep the modelling in shape.
Because the body of the car is done wrongly, I had to redo the whole modelling and hopefully to get it done before the deadline. The tutor had showed me that I have to insert quite alot of edge loop in order to keep the shape of the car and do extruding for my model.

The main problem I faced was the body of the car and it does need to take lots of time to do the details of the car. The shape of the car is irregular and theres alot of extruding to do. (To be honest, im starting to freak out by the amount of things that needs to be done to just model a car). I am quite worried that I could not complete my work on time and hopefully my model would look very similar to the car.

I would not say that my current modelling would look very similar to the actual one, however, there is some similarity between it. There are still lots of things for me to do in order to complete the model.

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